The Blessing Blocker Portal

The Blessing Blocker Portal contains 3 elements: the Blessing Blocker Test, the report, and a section with standardized, high-level tips you can use to improve your situation.

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Testing for Spiritual Blockages

computer-1185626__340.jpgSpiritual issues block the blessings. Removing them is the basis for addressing any shortcomings. However, the first question always is, what are they and where to begin? Here comes the Blessing Blocker Test into play. It uses the Prayer Pyramid method to measure where we stand.

The Report

stock-624712__340The report is created once all questions are answered. It shows what works well, the strengths to rely on in difficult times. The report also displays the weaknesses and the areas that need improvement. Most importantly, it identifies the parts that hurt the most. Thus, the results of the Blessing Blocker Test allow us to prioritize the improvement efforts.


businessman-2875840_960_720.jpgThe coaching section gives tips to consider on each topic. We can turn these ideas into practice using the homework section. If you want to add more specific help, get my individual coaching services.

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